Dark Fiber Benefits
Fiber2home knows where dark fiber is buried and how you can benefit. After the telecom and dot-com boom of the mid-90's, a wealth of fiber infrastructure was in place yet underutilized. Fiber2home capitalizes on these unused fiber assets to bring you new options in connectivity.
By utilizing or creating a dark fiber network your company can realize many benefits including
- 1 Gb or 10 Gb it's the same monthly cost
- ROI for 1 time equipment cost is typically less than 3 months
- Upgrade bandwidth and service level options without increased monthly
- Any service you want, any time you want
- Change equipment and increase the level of service
- Freedom to run any protocol and any service
- Virtually unlimited bandwidth, the only limitation is your own equipment
- Run multiple circuits over a single pair of fiber (up to 16 GigE connections w/ CWDM)
- Upgrade at anytime without waiting for the carrier
- Schedule your own service and maintenance windows
- You decide what bandwidth and what applications to run
- Burst above average utilization levels without any additional costs
- Once you control the fiber infrastructure you control the level of service
- Your equipment determines how much bandwidth you have
- Upgrading from 1 Gb to 10 Gb by changing the optical cards in your equipment
- 10 Gb today 100 Gb tomorrow! As soon as the equipment is available you can upgrade